Wall at Marigold Elementary school- artist Meredith Timpson
One of the things I struggled with when I was first coming to the realization and decision that I was "an artist", was the question of, "What good will any of this bring?" I wanted to know that all the time and energy I was putting into my pieces was going to result in something other than lack of sleep or being a garage hermit. (My mosaic studio is in the garage. I spend a lot of time in the garage.) Peace and assurance came to me one day when I noticed just how much I am affected when I see a piece of art that reaches my soul. When I see a piece of art whose textures and colors are richly varied, unexpected, and come together with a sort of harmony that was always meant to be, there is a moment when my heart skips a beat, my breath is taken if but briefly, and I am reminded once again of the beauty found in this life. For me, many mosaics, some oil paintings, certain watercolor paintings, and all sunsets (artist's name: God) move me in that way. When I am reminded of beauty, I commune once again with the Maker of beauty, and, for me, that brings me back to my place of rest. Art is a big deal.
I have been immensely humbled a few times by being on the artist-end of the soul-touched viewer of one of my mosaics. You can see it when someone is moved by a piece. They linger. They study intensely as if they couldn't believe their eyes. Sometimes they talk outloud to themselves and yet, it is as if they are having this conversation with the piece itself. Almost like the art understands who they are as a person and they have just made a new soul-mate. I know it has nothing to do with me. Yeah, I made it. But 100 people before that person walked right past that piece and did not react that way. The planet has 7 billion people, all uniquely different. It is a good thing there are so many artists creating so many different kinds of art because not one of those 7 billion people are identical. More art means more people will have a chance to find beauty, comfort, inspiration, and healing.
My mother is an artist and I can use her as an example to make my point beautifully. My mother, Linda Smith ( http://www.lindacsmithfineart.com/ ) is also a mosaic artist (and painter, sculpter, writer, photographer, cook, green-thumb....the amazing list goes on). She was asked to do a commission of two large mosaics for the ICU floor of a new hospital wing in the Bay Area in California. Some months after the installation she received an email from a man who had had a family member in the ICU there at that hospital. It seems that during the time he spent pacing the floor waiting for word on his family member who was in the ICU, he had noticed her mosaics. In particular he stopped in front of one titled "End of Day". Here is what he said in his email to her:
"…I was immediately taken in and felt such an amazing sense of peace rush over me. It was perfect timing. The colors and the depth of the tiles were so captivating and I couldn't stop staring at all the individual details of the piece…."
The man was moved. His soul was touched and the art helped him to have peace during a stressful time in his life. Of course my mother was touched. I interviewed her for this blog and she shared her response to what this man had told her,
"My response to this person's email was an emotional thing for me! I've always thought that if my artistic work helps just one person to see the wonders of the colors and immensity of 'Life' then I've done my job. I'm also a person of faith and believe that the work I do is what God means for me to do…to share the colors and wonders of Life through my art."
Now you want to see her work don't ya! A little about the pieces first: They are both 30 inches in diameter and were made using hand-glazed Morrocan tile imported to the US through http://www.tinytilemosaics.com/ . But here's the thing. The tiles she used range in size from 1/2 inch square at the largest down to 1/8 inch. They are tiny. But the effect they create is breathtaking. Think "painting" with tile. Think "pointelism" with tile. I've included photos and descriptions of both her pieces at the bottom. Perhaps you will be moved as well.
Art touches the soul. Does art touch everyone's soul? I actually believe that for every person alive there is a piece of art that would speak to them specifically. Some people don't look at art or seek it out. Some people, like the man at the hospital, come across it during their lives. Just think- if Linda would not have made those pieces, someone else's art may have hung in that spot and may not have spoken to that man's soul the way her art did. When I create my art now, not only am I grateful for my own bond with the piece, but I think about the people that will see it and hope that someone else connects with it and is made happier because of it. And my number one highlight would be if the beauty of my work caused someone to contemplate the Source of beauty and be brought to of God. To me, that is a worthy purpose.
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